Frequently asked questions

What Payment Methods do you offer?

You can pay by PayPal or Debit/Credit card.

Are your products nickel free?
Yes. We source our products from suppliers who give assurance that no nickel is present. Nickel is the material that may cause allergic reactions so you can be confident that our products will not cause nickel allergies.
Are your products lead free?

Yes. We source our products from suppliers who give assurance that no lead is present.

Do you ship internationally?

At present we only ship within the United Kingdom.

Do you offer gift wrapping?

All items purchased are presented in our signature grey velvet pouches and then a branded Darleys Jewellery gift bag. All price tags are removed so items can presented straight to the gift recipient.

How do I return an item?

In the unlikely event that you have received a faulty item we will be happy to replace, exchange or refund your purchase. Please use the contact us form within 28 days and we will advise how to return the item.

Returned goods after 28 days that are damaged or faulty will be repaired or replaced where possible. If neither of these options is available the item(s) will be credited or refund directly to your account. Please note we cannot replace or refund jewellery that has had considerable wear and tear, and/or has come into contact with perfume or other substances.

Please do not attempt a return without contacting us as we will need to advise you of the correct steps to take.

I have a question that’s not listed.

Please email us at or use the contact us pages.